Articles and Excerpts from the Writings of J. Edwin Orr

A Typical Prayer Meeting during a time of revival (from the 1952 book The Second Great Awakening in America)
The Easter Revival in New Zealand (from the 1936 book All Your Need)
Prayer and Revival (The Role of Prayer in Spiritual Awakening)
The Church Must First Repent (from the 1937 book The Church Must First Repent)
A Destructive Ministry Also is Necessary 
Preparing the Ground for Revival
Hindrances to Revival: Fear of Emotion (from the 1937 book The Church Must First Repent)
Revival in Durban (from the 1936 book If Ye Abide!)

Orr_Revival_and_Revivalism, “Revival and Revivalism” by Dr. Orr – a wonderful summary of the history of revival.